「對倒」一詞是劉以鬯的小說名稱,原指錯體印刷的郵票上下倒轉的情況。小說取其意,運用了雙線平衡的敘事結構,表現了兩位主人翁在70年代間截然不同的心理及城市狀況。是次展覽名為「對倒19..21」,由陳浩然(Scofield Chan)策展,並從街拍素人岑偉豪 (Peter Sam)在2019年拍攝的作品集中,隨意找出一組「對倒」的可能性。
兩年間的人文風情,在一組組可觀看的對讀空間中,讓人反思短短三年間城市的轉變,文章以QR CODE作連結,讓讀者觀看照片後,使用QR CODE窺探他們的故事。
The title of Hong Kong modern literature writer Liu Yichang's novel 「對倒」is a translation of tête-bêche (head-to-tail), which describes a pair of stamps that are printed head to tail in relation to each other intentionally or accidentally. The novel takes its title meaning, using a parallel narrative to express the state of mind and urban conditions of a young lady and old man in the 1970s. "Head to tail 19..21" photo exhibition is curated by Scofield Chan, a MAFA student, he tried to explore the possibility of “head to tail” from a random selection of photographic works from amateur street photographer Peter Sam taken in 2019 and works taken by Scofield Chan in 2021.
In the gathering, Scofield and Peter selected the most memorable photographs in 2021 and 2019 respectively. Coincidentally, they discovered that the two could be combined, Scofield arranged the photos in a symmetrical collage and arranged these two sets of photos in these two years to become a story about "matters happen in a day". The humanities and customs of these two years coincidentally form a symmetrical space that can be viewed.
The view of two years, in a group of reading spaces that can be watched, makes people reflect on the transformation of the city in just three years. The article uses QR CODE as a link, allowing readers to use QR CODE to spy on their stories after viewing the photos.
Library opening hours
Mon-Fri: 8:20-22:00
Sat: 8:20-19:00
Sun: 10:00-19:00
Sat: 8:20-19:00
Sun: 10:00-19:00
*When entering, contact the staff, ask for your intention, and then you can enter
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